Sunday, February 19, 2012


I am starting this blog to share in my enthusiasm for postcards.  I buy them, share them, and collect them, but my favorite way of obtaining new postcards is by swap sites such as Postcrossing and Swap-Bot.  

I started collecting when a friends wife, who was a long haul truck driver, showed me the collection she had started during their deliveries across the United States.  She was trying to collect a postcard from each state they traveled to, and I thought that was such a great idea, I had to try it myself.  

While I have been to many of the U.S. states throughout my life, I knew I wouldn't be able to get one from each state I traveled to, so I had to find another way to obtain postcards from far away places.  I started swapping back in the early 2000's when I organized my own swaps through discussion groups on a WebTv.  My online friends and I sent each other postcards several times and I started to get a small collection going on.  

Fast forward a few years to 2008 and a new computer.  I discovered a website called Postcrossing, which allows you to swap postcards with people from all over the world.  Amazing!  I marveled at the thought that I would be able to receive  postcards from places I could only dream of seeing in person, so I signed up and my swapping adventures began.  It wasn't long after that when I discovered Swap-Bot.  Swap-Bot is a little different as they allow you to swap everything from homemade art work, to friendship books, to little dollar store treasures, to postcards both store bought and homemade, and so on.

I still don't have a postcard from each state, but I've built up quite a collection over the years, both from the U.S. and abroad, and I love sharing with others, so I figured, hey, why not start a blog.  So here I am, I hope you enjoy my blog! 

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